Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Books Over Boys

by: Ronald James R. Payos

According to the Webster's Vest Pocket Dictionary, the term love is defined as a strong and deep feeling of attachment; ardent affection for a person of the opposite sex. From this definition, we could say that love is more of an emotional feeling - it springs from the heart. Some even say that it set asides rational and critical aspects of the mind.

If that is the case, then will those people whom we regard as geeks or geniuses have the chance to express and experience love aside from loving books and flat one grades?

I would like to share an interview from a salutatorian classsmate back in highshool who now is studying at the University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City. However, she refused to let her name be broadcasted for privacy reasons.

She defined love as "A state wherein two physically, emotionally, mentally, financially and spiritually mature individuals are ready to unite and build a faithful relationship throughout their lifetime."

"Unselfishness, faithfulness and thoughtfulness are some virtues that would manifest if you are truly in love." , she added.

And when it comes to the issue of geniuses are incapable of loving because they are only using their brains, she said, "Oh no, it's not true. What people don't know is that a loving heart is always accompanied by a rational mind. If one is missing, definitely you are not loving."

Therefore, love isn't only a matter of affection and emotion. It is also essential that our rational and critical self are present. As our interviewee puts it, "If one is missing, definitely you are not loving."

Monday, August 25, 2008

Who Will Save Who

(Lost Love)
By: Mikael Anjo Canlas

There are different kinds of love. This is love as defined by wikipedia “Love, emotion explored in philosophy, religion, and literature, often as either romantic love, the fraternal love of others, or the love of God.” People have different perception about love—as they say. It is well-defined by the heart than by the mind. What if you lose the only love you’ve ever known? What does one do when one loses what matters most?

They say “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.” and for some “absence makes a heart weaker, numb and sober”. Experience will always be your best teacher. A love that’s lost can never find it’s own way home, no matter how much willing a heart can be, it’s like searching for a piece of needle under a pile of thread. Even without the hoard of thread, looking for a single piece of needle is troublesome.

“Once you have it, keep it” an insight that will come up, after you realize the value of what you once had. Losing the one you love is like not wanting to breathe anymore, because every breathe hurts, every breathe breaks your heart. Sometimes you’ll end up hugging yourself in the coldness of the night; crying yourself to sleep and not wanting to wake up anymore, for you are afraid, afraid to face another day without your heart beside you and the tears you have is no because of joy but all because of pain and longing for someone whom you think you’ll never have again.

Falling in love? Nobody said it was easy. You wouldn’t lose it if you held it tightly, if you just did something about it, if it’s that important to you, you should’ve done something. As long as you can still understand, give, adjust, then so be it. As long as you know you’re doing it and it feels so right you’re on a fine path. It’s not everyday you bump into someone that can show you what happiness is.

If you think one is giving less, give more, if one is ignoring the other should pay attention and if you’re hurting, love until it hurts no more. You are not loving at all if you’re not prepared to face these things. Love is all about sacrifice, going against your principles in life and how much you’re willing to give everything up just for the sake of their own happiness.

Literally and figuratively speaking, giving yourself to them unselfishly, without expecting something in return. Seeing the one you love happy is better than succumbing and suppressing yourself in all forms of hatred and pain this world has to offer.

Rather than wasting time drowning yourself with depression, slitting your wrist, drinking a bottle of shampoo, not wanting to eat, realizing how pathetic you are losing the one you love or before you decide how to end your life why not try spending your time looking for the love you’ve lost, try rescuing your heart. It’s never too late for anything. Losing your pride is better than losing the world you’ve grown to love, a world that’s full of happiness that you’ve never known—the only happiness you, yourself have recognized.

Words really can’t tell what one should do to regain what’s rightfully his’; life will not teach you how to bridge the gap. Sometimes, you just have to be your own hero and in the end you’re the only one who really knows how to save what’s dying inside.

i miss you..








..i just simply do...

by: Heintji S. Soriano

The wars, the battles, the sorrows.
the things that better of unknown,
the words that better of unsaid..

it is easy too say goodbye,
but it's to hard to forget,,
leaving things hanging..

how could this world so cruel?
why these people keep hurting each other?
why are these tears can't stop from falling?

there are so many questions.
please don't answer...

maybe answers will be revealed when we stop asking..

though these time so long,
though these world so shallow,
though these hurt won't stop....
love will always finds a way to understand pain...

there's no limitations, no boundaries,

true love, no surrenders..

i will always love YOU.
i just simply do...


by: Heintji S. Soriano/

“How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.” wrote Elizabeth Barrett to Robert Browning. People have different ways of loving somebody, shall wa count the ways? There have been many efforts to define kinds of love and to determine which one is related to happy and enduring relationships.

Some says that to keep any relationship brimming with love; whenever you’re wrong admit it, whenever you’re right shut up. This is true. But how to keep a relationship long-lasting? Commitment? I don’t think so. well it is all about understanding and forgiveness. How about attachment and closeness? For me, not really, though another effort to describe loving somebody is based on the lovers need for attachment. The sense of emotional but almost physical connection with a love one and of physical loss when a love one leaves. That is why others are usually anxious about their relationship and fret over it because they want to be close but worry that their partners will leave them.

Neither commitment nor attachment concludes that a relationship will last. It is when two people are bounded by true relationship, no distance is too far, no mood is too bad, no time is too long, and no difficult situation can tear them apart. I think that is the secret to a good and long-lasting relationship.