Monday, September 1, 2008

Love as defined:)

Love as defined:)
by: Lady Carmina D.M. Litonjua

Love is the word that makes one go into dreams of bliss and the word that can take one into pain. It all depends, how your love turned out. If you were stabbed in the back, pain will be the result and if you got loyalty, it will be pleasure. When one looks at the scenes of destruction of ones love, when one revisits the places where love had blossomed, below the flowering trees, one goes in to the memories of the lost love. It hurts and it hurts very badly. Similarly the love that enriches us can be invaluable. It gives a new breath, a new life. Love can give life and when lost, life may be lost. Call it addiction to love or whatever, love is a feeling that cannot be described in words. it has to be felt.

Love combines all these and goes much beyond in bonding. Lovers are bonded to each other emotionally and totally. A lover cannot imagine of a life without his/her beloved. A lover will suffer like a fish suffers without water, if he/she is separated from the beloved. Love becomes the whole life. Love gives life. Love becomes the reason of life. Life begins and ends with love. That is love. And that's why people call love mad!

Love is an emotion that binds one person to another in a relationship that cannot be described. Lovers are worried only about making their beloved happy. Those in deep love cannot stay away even for a small time. They are ready to forget and sacrifice most of their other relationships for the sake of their love. They are ready to die for each other, and history tells us that sometimes it really happens. Love is an emotional relationship that can never be described, but can only be experienced. Try explaining the taste of sugar, to someone who has never tasted anything sweet. You will never be able to do it. For that the other person has to eat sugar. Similarly, love can never be explained. One has to fall in love to know of its bliss. Please do so at the earliest opportunity.

If you are not in love, please fall in love. There is nothing comparable to love in giving joy. If you are already in love, please make use of every moment to experience it. Love comes as a blessing of God. Love is a blessing and one need not know about heaven if one is in love. Why one falls in love with a particular person? Why one feels different in love? Why one likes the feeling of love more than anything else? Why one forgets one's identity in love? And why one dies when the beloved leaves for no reason, is a mystery. Please enjoy life when you are in love. Enjoy every moment and live it. Love is a great feeling. Experience and live with love as much as you can, before you lose it.


make someone happy and be happy!:*)


By: Lady Carmina D.M. Litonjua

dealing with an umpteenth breakup with an asshole?

Cut your losses and don't waste your time . Why stay in some weird dating limbo when you can move on to what will surely be better territory? Don't want to hear it? Fine. Here's the answer you're looking for, "Hang in there, baby. He's not the loser everybody's telling you he is. If you wait and keep your mouth shut and call at exactly the right time and anticipate his moods and have no expectations about communication or your own sexual needs, you can have him!" But please don't be surprised if he dumps you or continues to drag you through a completely unsatisfying relationship.

He is a man made up entirely of your excuses. And the minute you stop making excuses for him, he will completely disappear from your life.

Men, for the most part, like to pursue women. We (men) like not knowing if we can catch you. We feel rewarded when we do.

Don't let the "honeys" and the "babys" fool you. His sweet nothings are exactly that. They are much easier to say than "I'm just not that into you." Remember, actions speak louder than, "There's no cell reception where I am right now."

Calling when you say you're going to call is the very first brick in the house you are building of love and trust. If he can't lay this one stupid brick down, you ain't never gonna have a house, baby. And it's cold outside.

He will always be able to play the "friend" card on you. He only has to be responsible for the expectations of a friend, rather than the the far greater expectations of a boyfriend. He's got the ultimate situation: a great friend with all the benefits of a girlfriend, whom he can see or not see whenever he wants to. He may be one of your closest friends, but I'm sorry to say ... as a boyfriend, he's just not that into you.

Beware of the word "friend". It can often be used by men or the women that love them to excuse the most unfriendly behavior. Personally, when I'm picking friends, I like the ones who don't make me cry myself to sleep.

I don't want to be "sort of dating" someone. I don't want to be "kinda hanging out" with someone. I don't want to spend a lot of energy suppressing my feelings so I appear uninvolved. I want to be involved. I want to be sleeping with someone I know I'll see again because they've already demonstarted to me that they're trustworthy and honorable -- and into me.

You can't blame a guy for having feelings. You love someone, you break up, you still have feeling. Thank God for that really. But having feelings don't mean you have to have sex.

Every man you have ever dated who has said he doesn't want to get married or doesn't believe in marriage, or has "issues" with marriage, will ... rest assured ... someday be married. It just will never be with you.

Everyone wants to be loved and needed, particularly by the person who just broke up with us. I understand. What could be better than hearing from the man who just told you he didn't want you in his life anymore ... his sad, wistful, "I miss you so much" voice on the other end of the phone? It's validating. It's exciting. It's irresistible. But resist you must.

My friends all say I should stop talking to him, but I think he misses me, and I like that. I miss him. I feel if I stay in touch with him, it will remind him of how great I am, and eventually he will realize that we should be together again.

A man who wants to make a relationship work will move mountains to keep the woman he loves. If he's not calling you to tell you he loves you and wants you back, it should only be because he's showing up at your new residence to do it in person ... if he's not doing any of that, he may love you, he may miss you, but ultimately he's just not that into you. Stop taking his calls and let him know what it's like to live without you.

Don't be flattered that he misses you. He should miss you. You're deeply missable. However, he's still the same person who just broke up with you. Remember, the only reason he can miss you is because he's choosing, every day, not to be with you.

This guy is brilliant. He goes out with you, dates you, breaks up with you, then continues to sleep with you, which basically absolves him of all responsibility toward your feelings. After all, you're not going out anymore. It's genius! It's diabolical! He should be writing a book! In fact, I bet this guy could get his own little cult going if he wanted to. And let me guess, you'd be happy to sign up for that as well. For the record, this guy doesn't "like you so much that he can't stop being around you." Because here's what guys don't do if they can't live without you: they don't break up with you. This guy is seriously not into you, it's crazy. The only way you're going to figure out how into you you are ... is how fast you get rid of him.

It's very tempting when you really want to be with someone to settle for much, much less -- even a vague pathetic facsimile of less -- than you would have ever imagined. Remember always what you set out to get and please don't settle for less. These guys exist because there are a lot of women out there who allow them to.

Hey girl. Put down the penis, put your clothes back on, and go directly to your best friend's house. Do not find an excuse to stay. Do not think that because of all the crazy hotness of it all, it now means that you're meant to be together. Yes, break up sex does seem like a good idea, because hey, it's nice to have sex with someone you have these dramatic feelings about. It makes it all, well, dramatic. But now you know. It confuses everything and makes you separate sex and emotions. So now you don't ever have to make that mistake again. Got it? He's into the very-bad-idea-that-masquerades-as-a-good-idea, breakup sex. Over and out.

Don't underestimate the power of sex, even with someone you've been doing it with for a very long time. Especially with someone you've been doing it with for a very long time. Breaking up means not seeing them again, which also implies not seeing them naked again. It might be tempting to forget this pearl of wisdom, but just remember, it's still called breakup sex. No one has yet to rename it oh-my-god-the-sex-was-so-good-we-got-back-together-again-and-lived-happily-ever-after sex.

He's sniffing for something better, and when he doesn't find it, he gets lonely and comes "home." It's not that he's so into you. It's that he's so not into being alone. Don't give him the chance to break up with you for the fourth time. (Even the idea of it sounds beneath you, doesn't it?) Reset your breakup maximum to one and move on.

Deciding to get back together with someone is a complicated and difficult decision. Just remember that the person you are getting back together with is the same person who, not long before, looked you in your beautiful face, took full stock of you and all your qualities, and told you that he was no longer in need of your company.

Don't confuse being classy with being a doormat. Classy is walking away with your head held high, graciously, and with all dignity. Being a doormat is offering to drive him to the dentist for his root canal.

Breakups, I've heard, are supposed to be just that. Breaks. Hard, clean breaks. No talking, no seeing, no touching ... keep your hands to yourself. The relationship is over. Half the people I know move after a huge breakup, and frankly that makes perfect sense to me. You're not supposed to sleep with the guy who just broke your heart a week ago. Fine. Next time I'm in this situation I'll cry. Stay in bed and wail. Go to the gym if I can. Call all my friends and burden them with my misery. Sleep too much. Cry some more. See my therapist more often. Get a puppy. Do whatever I have to so eventually I can move on.

Breakup sex still means you're broken up.

Cut him off. Let him miss you.

He doesn't need to be reminded that you're great.

There's a guy out there who's going to be really happy that you didn't get back together with your crappy ex-boyfriend.

The reason it's so painful when someone disappears is you have to face the fact that the person you loved had probably left you a long time before he grabbed his coat and scrammed. The hard part is realizing that he was lying to you, in some way, before the moment of vanishing.

Don't give him the chance to reject you again.

No matter how powerful and real your feelings may be for someone, if that person cannot fully and honestly return them and therefore actively love you back, these feelings mean nothing.

Being lonely ... being alone ... for many people ... sucks. I get it, I get it, I get it. But still I have to say that yes, my belief is that being with somebody who makes you feel shitty or doesn't honor the person you are is worse.

Life is hard enough as it is without choosing someone difficult to share it with.

You deserve to be with someone who is nice to you all the time.

i love more yet he don't..

By: LAdy Carmina D.M. Litonjua

And I’m aware.. I’m inlove but you don’t care?! Yep yep, you guessed it. My binding theme for this entry. Hay. How would I start it.

Honestly, I was quite hesitant to write about this because I feel quite strongly about the said lines. I didn’t want to trash it or do it such vile injustice. Ryt? Not fair but I also though a lot of people would more or less relate to this topic because I guess at some point they had once ‘LOVED” a person who seemed to be utterly clueless and oblivious to his or her affection. THE ONE SIDED PHENOMENON! Yeah! It hurts like hell!

When you think you’ve fallen for someone, the only thing that seems to matter is for that person to approximately reciprocate the way you feel for him or her. You make the person like you. But sometimes that MAKING-HIM-LIKE-ME process can be so excruciating! It’s always a load of mid games and the over-analysis of things. Especially if you’re like me who tends to shred everything into bits, every minute, single detail, nothing this spared.

I view this so-called process as a challenge but sometimes, challenges aren’t so fun anymore ryt?? Blurtly when the goal is too out of sight and out of reach. Haist! It’s like a quicksand, the more you struggle the more you sink. It’s standing on shaky ground, or in this case, no grounds at all. No one’s going to catch you. Maybe it’s only for the stalwart-hearted and the strong-willed soul. Like meJ

But in the end, who enjoys pursuing someone who doesn’t seem to give a damn?! Who enjoys being hurt all too often.? I bet no one. We reach a point where self –love enters the picture ryt? We could choose to continue but we know we shouldn’t. Maybe it’s time to realize that not everything goes the way we want it regardless of how persistent we are.

I’m in love but you don’t care.! Grrr! Maybe he does care. But not enough. Maybe he does find you wonderful, fun and nice but still not enough. And perhaps, he does like you. But not enough. It’s not enough for him to let down his guard, to take a step closer. And knowing with all that was said, that nothing is enough, you should find in that enough reason to slowly let go!.KAMAN! LIVE YOUR LIFE! But love the pain. That you deserve someone better. With love along with all it’s stupidity and beauty.

There comes a point where you realize you don’t want to listen to love songs. or watch drippy movies, or read love or schmaltzy stories. You want the real thing not a mere reflection of it.

So there it’s time to STOP! Stop not because you’re hurting, not because you’re sad, not even because you’re scared. But because despite of everything………


i love more yet he don't..

And I’m aware.. I’m inlove but you don’t care?! Yep yep, you guessed it. My binding theme for this entry. Hay. How would I start it.

Honestly, I was quite hesitant to write about this because I feel quite strongly about the said lines. I didn’t want to trash it or do it such vile injustice. Ryt? Not fair but I also though a lot of people would more or less relate to this topic because I guess at some point they had once ‘LOVED” a person who seemed to be utterly clueless and oblivious to his or her affection. THE ONE SIDED PHENOMENON! Yeah! It hurts like hell!

When you think you’ve fallen for someone, the only thing that seems to matter is for that person to approximately reciprocate the way you feel for him or her. You make the person like you. But sometimes that MAKING-HIM-LIKE-ME process can be so excruciating! It’s always a load of mid games and the over-analysis of things. Especially if you’re like me who tends to shred everything into bits, every minute, single detail, nothing this spared.

I view this so-called process as a challenge but sometimes, challenges aren’t so fun anymore ryt?? Blurtly when the goal is too out of sight and out of reach. Haist! It’s like a quicksand, the more you struggle the more you sink. It’s standing on shaky ground, or in this case, no grounds at all. No one’s going to catch you. Maybe it’s only for the stalwart-hearted and the strong-willed soul. Like meJ

But in the end, who enjoys pursuing someone who doesn’t seem to give a damn?! Who enjoys being hurt all too often.? I bet no one. We reach a point where self –love enters the picture ryt? We could choose to continue but we know we shouldn’t. Maybe it’s time to realize that not everything goes the way we want it regardless of how persistent we are.

I’m in love but you don’t care.! Grrr! Maybe he does care. But not enough. Maybe he does find you wonderful, fun and nice but still not enough. And perhaps, he does like you. But not enough. It’s not enough for him to let down his guard, to take a step closer. And knowing with all that was said, that nothing is enough, you should find in that enough reason to slowly let go!.KAMAN! LIVE YOUR LIFE! But love the pain. That you deserve someone better. With love along with all it’s stupidity and beauty.

There comes a point where you realize you don’t want to listen to love songs. or watch drippy movies, or read love or schmaltzy stories. You want the real thing not a mere reflection of it.

So there it’s time to STOP! Stop not because you’re hurting, not because you’re sad, not even because you’re scared. But because despite of everything………


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Books Over Boys

by: Ronald James R. Payos

According to the Webster's Vest Pocket Dictionary, the term love is defined as a strong and deep feeling of attachment; ardent affection for a person of the opposite sex. From this definition, we could say that love is more of an emotional feeling - it springs from the heart. Some even say that it set asides rational and critical aspects of the mind.

If that is the case, then will those people whom we regard as geeks or geniuses have the chance to express and experience love aside from loving books and flat one grades?

I would like to share an interview from a salutatorian classsmate back in highshool who now is studying at the University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City. However, she refused to let her name be broadcasted for privacy reasons.

She defined love as "A state wherein two physically, emotionally, mentally, financially and spiritually mature individuals are ready to unite and build a faithful relationship throughout their lifetime."

"Unselfishness, faithfulness and thoughtfulness are some virtues that would manifest if you are truly in love." , she added.

And when it comes to the issue of geniuses are incapable of loving because they are only using their brains, she said, "Oh no, it's not true. What people don't know is that a loving heart is always accompanied by a rational mind. If one is missing, definitely you are not loving."

Therefore, love isn't only a matter of affection and emotion. It is also essential that our rational and critical self are present. As our interviewee puts it, "If one is missing, definitely you are not loving."

Monday, August 25, 2008

Who Will Save Who

(Lost Love)
By: Mikael Anjo Canlas

There are different kinds of love. This is love as defined by wikipedia “Love, emotion explored in philosophy, religion, and literature, often as either romantic love, the fraternal love of others, or the love of God.” People have different perception about love—as they say. It is well-defined by the heart than by the mind. What if you lose the only love you’ve ever known? What does one do when one loses what matters most?

They say “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.” and for some “absence makes a heart weaker, numb and sober”. Experience will always be your best teacher. A love that’s lost can never find it’s own way home, no matter how much willing a heart can be, it’s like searching for a piece of needle under a pile of thread. Even without the hoard of thread, looking for a single piece of needle is troublesome.

“Once you have it, keep it” an insight that will come up, after you realize the value of what you once had. Losing the one you love is like not wanting to breathe anymore, because every breathe hurts, every breathe breaks your heart. Sometimes you’ll end up hugging yourself in the coldness of the night; crying yourself to sleep and not wanting to wake up anymore, for you are afraid, afraid to face another day without your heart beside you and the tears you have is no because of joy but all because of pain and longing for someone whom you think you’ll never have again.

Falling in love? Nobody said it was easy. You wouldn’t lose it if you held it tightly, if you just did something about it, if it’s that important to you, you should’ve done something. As long as you can still understand, give, adjust, then so be it. As long as you know you’re doing it and it feels so right you’re on a fine path. It’s not everyday you bump into someone that can show you what happiness is.

If you think one is giving less, give more, if one is ignoring the other should pay attention and if you’re hurting, love until it hurts no more. You are not loving at all if you’re not prepared to face these things. Love is all about sacrifice, going against your principles in life and how much you’re willing to give everything up just for the sake of their own happiness.

Literally and figuratively speaking, giving yourself to them unselfishly, without expecting something in return. Seeing the one you love happy is better than succumbing and suppressing yourself in all forms of hatred and pain this world has to offer.

Rather than wasting time drowning yourself with depression, slitting your wrist, drinking a bottle of shampoo, not wanting to eat, realizing how pathetic you are losing the one you love or before you decide how to end your life why not try spending your time looking for the love you’ve lost, try rescuing your heart. It’s never too late for anything. Losing your pride is better than losing the world you’ve grown to love, a world that’s full of happiness that you’ve never known—the only happiness you, yourself have recognized.

Words really can’t tell what one should do to regain what’s rightfully his’; life will not teach you how to bridge the gap. Sometimes, you just have to be your own hero and in the end you’re the only one who really knows how to save what’s dying inside.

i miss you..